Countess Tina, Count Bob and daughter Colleen O’Kelly enjoying first signs of spring – 2021!
In this issue:
Letter from the Editor
Contact Us
New Members
Bloody Sunday Football match ticket
Possible plans for coming year’s programs
Aidan Kelly (DNA Study Coordinator) Info from Irish Law Reports
Reminder of Muintir Ui Cheallaigh Facebook Page
Sites of Interest
Subscriptions to Kelly Clans
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
Letter from your Editor – Judy Kelly Fausch

For the last year, we have experienced concern and fear over a disease we know so little about, watched as many suffered and even died from it and dealt with lockdowns of various types which kept us away from friends, family and normal activities. For many of us, the winter brought snowstorms and bitterly cold temperatures. In late winter/early spring, scrolling through Facebook, I saw a picture that spoke of sheer joy in life and the world around us. Thank you to Bob, Tina and Colleen for allowing us to share in this inspiring and uplifting moment, shown on p. 1 of this newsletter.
In preparing to share the newsletter, I am always reminded that our members live in so many different places. It would be fun to hear about what might be happening in those areas that would be of interest to our other Kelly readers. If you are aware of something in your area that could be shared, would you please let me know. djfausch@gmail.com We try to put out a newsletter 4 times a year (January, April, July, October.) If we get something early enough, we could help publicize an event. Thanks in advance!
Contact us with comments, questions, information to share.
Contact Us
Members – Thank you to all who have paid their membership fees.
New Members –
Failte Ui Cheallaigh (O’Kelly Welcome) to these new members:
William Frankenberg, Illinois, USA
James (Jim) Kelly, California, USA
Wife of Joe A Kelly
We send our heartfelt condolences to Joe A Kelly (founding member and current Council Member of the Kelly Clan) his family, including daughter Bridget (Kelly Clan member) and daughter Rebecca (Bec) on the death of wife/mother, Sue, on April 28, 2021 after a long illness. Sue was well-known to many Clan members from clan activities in the past. More information will be shared in a future newsletter.
Sue’s funeral takes place at 10.00AM (United Kingdom Time) on Thursday, May 20, 2021. It can be viewed live on this link to Northampton Cathedral. Click Here.
Father-in-law of Michele O’Kelley-Browne
We offer our condolences to Michele O’Kelly Browne (Kelly Clan Secretary) and other family members of Michael Browne of Kerry, who died on April 19, 2021. He was Michele’s father- in-law.
[Editor’s Note: In our last Kelly Clan Newsletter, we published an article provided by John Kelly of Tipperary, which referenced many people and events of what has come to be known as “Bloody Sunday.” Also mentioned in the article is the football match in Croke Park between Dublin and Tipperary on that same day. Bernie Kelly, former long-time Council member and Secretary, contacted me and shared a copy of the ticket shown below. This was given to her husband, Michael Kelly (RIP), also a Council member and long-time Treasurer. He had kept and treasured this for many years. Thanks, Bernie.]
Bloody Sunday Ticket

Ideas and possible plans for coming year
[We’re coming up on May 2021 and, of course, no biennial Kelly Clan Gathering! Our Uachtaran, Joe (Cav) Kelly has been leading the exploration of possibilities with various groups for the time when we will be able to get together. In lieu of a face-to-face meeting, of course, there are also ideas for presentations online. Some of these ideas are listed below. Feel free to share your thoughts.]

Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore
(December 25, 1829 – September 24, 1892)
was an Irish-born (Ballygar, Co Galway, Ireland) American composer and bandmaster who lived and worked in the United States after 1848.[1] While serving in the Union Army during the U.S. Civil War, Gilmore wrote the lyrics to the song “When Johnny Comes Marching Home”. This was published under the pseudonym Louis Lambert in September 1863.
A talk on Lt Gen Patrick Sarsfield may be added to this event. Will confirm at a later date. He was a Jacobite officer during the Willamite Wars. It suggests to me that Gilmore’s parents were supporters of the Jacobite (Irish) cause and named their son after the Jacobite leader. I have been contacted by Jarlath MacNamara, a recognised authority on Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore, a son of Ballygar. (Check him out on Google).
To help gain recognition of Gilmore, a highly talented musician, etc, and create some good will we will add a small plaque, either in stone or brass to the existing plaque which is on the garden wall of the house in which he was born in Ballygar, Co. Galway. We will fund this. Plans are in place to have the Ballinasloe brass band give a recital on the day. They are very good; we had them at Aughrim a few years ago. Once again the date has not been decided but hopefully late Summer.
We are supporting Aughrim Development Company in the following projects:
extract from letter of support 19th Nov ‘20
I feel that the Kelly Clan, with a higher profile and suitable office space in the now unused Dispensary would be of great benefit to the Aughrim community by way of attracting visitors. Our stats show that we have members from all over the world, the United States of American being the greater amount of foreign members at 32% and 10% from the UK. This offers great potential and an opportunity which should not be missed with the chance of creating employment.
extract from letter of support 15th Feb ‘21
Dear Paddy re yours on proposed Cycleway
The Kelly Clan Association strongly supports the inclusion of Aughrim village as part of the proposed Athlone/Galway Greenway project. Aughrim offers the visitor many chapters of historical interest – local – national and European.
The Kelly clan footfall in the general Aughrim/Kilconnell area dates back to the 4th century when our ancestor, Mhaine Mor, established the territory which became known as Ui Mhaine. In a later administration it was known as O’Kelly Country. The territory was ruled for hundreds of years by O’Kelly chiefs up to the indenture of Connaught in 1585. During which time they built many castles. Evidence of this is the O’Kelly castle ruin in Aughrim Village. Another building of local historic interest is Kilconnell Monastery. Built by Wm Buidh O’Ceallaigh…..
The Kilconnell Wall of Sculls.
This wall did exist, it is not folklore. Fascinating story here. It’s thought they are the remains of the fallen at the Battle of Aughrim, brought to Kilconnell by the monks in 1691. The bones were thought to have been buried somewhere in the grounds of Kilconnell monastery. Padraig Lenihan did some survey work at the Kilconnell site some years ago and has agreed Joe Joyce should front up the continuation of this project. Joe is the author of many novels and his latest is about the Aughrim battle. A very interesting read and is historically correct. He is also a member of Aughrim Remembered and the son of Martin Joyce who was the local Aughrim school head master and the energy behind the Interpretive Centre back in the day.
The project when started will fall into the following stages.
Stage 1/ An aerial drone survey of the Kilconnell monastery site will be done (free of
charge) and its findings discussed at a later stage as part of the Aughrim event.
Stage 2/. If there is enough evidence to support there is a mass grave on the grounds we will seek permission to do an archaeological dig.
Stage 3/. Crowd Funding will be necessary.
Stage 4/. The Dig. We might video this and some DNA testing.
The time scale on this activity is difficult to predict. The Wall of Sculls could run into next year but the remainder sometime this year, most likely late Summer. Either way this activity will raise our profile in a positive light and help encourage new members.
Regarding our series of talks. One location has agreed and another to follow shortly. I’m hopeful of a few more before the year’s end.
[Below is an email our DNA Study Coordinator, Aidan Kelly, sent to a fellow seeker of information. Most of us are aware that Aidan searches for information in various places and in a variety of ways, beyond the DNA testing itself. I suspect many of us do not have a very deep understanding of the DNA process or reporting, but many in our group and beyond have gained from the conclusions drawn from these sources. Hopefully, this endeavor will yield even more. If anyone has more questions, you may contact Aidan. Thanks, Aidan!]
Dear All,
I think you may have an interest in knowing about this level of research but it may just be a very slight one. It is very hit and miss and in fact if I could access Irish newspapers I’d probably get more out of that but I haven’t been able to do that so I looked into the Irish Law Reports. It took me a while to figure out how they work on-line and they are patchy. It seems the best search threads are for the equity courts because they include congested / encumbered estates and Will estates / Deceased Estates. Usually court cases are the last resort so I am sure there are more and better pickings at the first level being Wills themselves and the encumbered estates administrative records but the court cases give something and can be accessed more easily by me on line. As an example, I attach some cases based on searches in Galway / Roscommon for higher profile families. I have shared these examples because if you can give me a good search word like “Fidane”, “Liskelly” or “Denis Kelly” you can get some results. So, a combination of Kelly or Lloyd and that “very specific search term” can find a needle in the hay stack but the result may also not be much of interest – rather dry – the equity courts seem to have the good ones for family history but these are slim pickings too.
Regards Aidan

Kelly Clan Association (Muintir Ui Cheallaigh)
Public group (From Joe A Kelly, faithful monitor of our Facebook page.) ·
Some of our Kelly Clan Association members may not be aware of the existence of our Kelly Clan Facebook page. (Click Here) This has been found most useful by many for exchanging information on all aspects concerning our Clan.
I and many others have found Kelly friends and relatives through this page and on top of seeking information it is at times found helpful in filling gaps for others.
I am still looking out for any clues as to the disappearance of one of my uncles, Dominic, who after serving in the first world war, went to Canada and a few years later he was last heard of in a letter from the U.S.
There was also a case of a Kelly family who in building their family tree discovered that a previous relative had been executed. After some serious discussion at length they put on record that “great-uncle Ed died of extreme shock while sitting in a chair!”
Recently, Aidan reminded us of a Kelly who was the first Captain of the Allblacks Rugby side. It should be most interesting to learn what part and what branch he came from!
Normal Facebook Rules apply. There is no charge and potential members are just required to give their reasons for wishing to join. Normally, all having the name of Kelly, Kelley, O’Kelly, O’Cheallaigh etc. and their connections are welcome.
Contact Information for some Sites of Interest:
Ancestor Network Limited
(Irish Genealogy Research)
Ireland Reaching Out (Ireland XO)
(Purpose: To build lasting links between the global Irish Diaspora and parishes of origin in Ireland.)
Treasury Irish American Heritage Center
If anyone is having difficulty logging onto the site or accessing/using the forum, please e-mail Gerry Hegarty at admin@kellyclans.ie
Payable Annually
EU | 30.00 | 25.00 | 250.00 |
AUS $ | 50.00 | 42.00 | 410.00 |
CAN $ | 45.00 | 38.00 | 368.00 |
GBP | 28.00 | 24.00 | 220.00 |
US $ | 35.00 | 30.00 | 285.00 |
For PayPal, go to the registration page, www.kellyclans.ie and JOIN US.
Contact Tina O’Kelly, tinaokelly68@gmail.com, for direct deposit or with questions
to pay with a cheque, in the currency of your country, to:
Tina O’Kelly, 1 Cois na Feadan, Caragh Road, Naas, Kildare, IR
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Individuals have privacy rights in relation to the processing of their personal data.
This is a European Union-wide framework which changes the rules on data protection. It provides for a more uniform interpretation and application of data protection standards across the EU.
The Data Protection Act 2018, which was signed into law on 24 May 2018, changes the previous data protection framework, established under the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003. Its provisions include:
–Establishing a new Data Protection Commission as the State’s data protection authority
–Transposing the law enforcement Directive into national law
–Giving further effect to the GDPR in areas where member states have flexibility (for example, the digital age of consent)
The above is taken from http://www.citizensinformation.ie
Further information is available at: www.dataprotection.ie or www.gdprandyou.ie
Kellyclans.ie Privacy Policy is GDPR compliant and can be viewed here. PRIVACY POLICY