Kelly DNA



I am Raymond Kelly the Coordinator of the Kelly Y-DNA Study. The objective is to use DNA to provide confirmation of the links to our KELLEY/KELLY/O’KELLY ancestors. Many of us have traced our ancestor‘s back to a “Brick Wall” using family records and public records but can not conclusively identify the parents of our ancestor. DNA testing provides us With an independent tool to break that banier through linkage identifying other descendants of those same Parents.

A 37 marker Male Paternal Test cost $149. It is only necessary to test 1 Male from your Kelley/Kelly Line with Surname Kelley/Kelly to determine if you are related to the other Kelly’s that take the Test. The cost can be split among all the family members of your line. In brief form, if your lines DNA Markers match with one of the other lines tested then you are related. Since both lines must submit the data on their Patemal (Father to Son) line of descent it begins to fill in the Family Tree. Test Results and Family Groupings will be displayed on the Kelley/Kelly Web Page as each test is completed.

The test is performed by taking a sample from your mouth with a swab the Kit supplied by Family Tree DNA Testing. Mail supplied and wait for your test results.

More information can be seen at the Web Site

Go to this site and select the Link on the left side of the page “Sign Up”.

After filling out the Forms on the KELLEY/KELLY DNA Group Website you will be linked to the Family Tree DNA Website Where you will fill in the data for the Person to receive the Kit. If you are paying for a family member to receive the Kit, fill in your Credit Card information and your E-Mail address to receive the results.

The key to a successful result is having a test from a lot of different Kelley/Kelly lines.

Best Regards

Raymond Kelly


Raymond Allen Kelly Jr.

18703 Lakeshore Dr., Lutz, Florida, 33549

(813) 949-2017