Bernie and Michael Kelly receiving a bouquet and plaque for their many years of service to the Kelly Clan at the 2019 Kelly Clan Gathering Dinner on May 18, 2019. They officially retired from their long term posts as Secretary & Treasurer of the Clan at the Annual General Meeting the following day.
In this issue:
Letter from the Editor
The death has occurred of Michael Kelly
A tribute written for Michael Kelly by Joe A Kelly
Aidan Kelly on Michael’s death
Trudy Short Kelly RIP
Contact Us
Subscriptions to Kelly Clans
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
Letter from your Editor – Judy Kelly Fausch

“If someone would have told you at the beginning of this year that the world would be turned upside down with a pandemic, would you have believed it? Seems a lot has changed in just a few months – and there are more changes coming. I am sure we are all praying for the epidemic to end and some normalcy to return. It is evident that a ‘new normal’ is undoubtedly in our future and I am hopeful that those changes – whatever they may be – will be in the best interests of everyone”
The above paragraph is borrowed from a local historical society letter I recently read. I thought it said what so many of us have been thinking. We are, indeed, in very uncertain times. In earlier newsletters, for instance, we indicated that by this time, we would be letting people know what our plans are for the Biennial Meeting of the Kelly Clan in 2021.
At this point, there is no firm plan. It’s been impossible to have an in-person Council meeting, and exploring venues for next spring is not possible since so many businesses are very unsure about how they may be operating at that time. I think I hear the virtual world calling to us at this point!
As we inch forward, we will keep you updated. Any ideas anyone has would be most welcome. Contact information for Council members is listed below.
In this issue, you will note information about the death of our long-time member/Council member/Treasurer and friend Michael Kelly. Anyone who attended one of the Gatherings of the Kelly Clan or had any business with the group will remember Michael and his wife, Bernie (Secretary). As noted in the picture on the 1st page, they served from the beginnings of the Clan until just last year in these positions. I think I speak for all of us in saying we feel a huge void at Michael’s passing. Note some pictures that bring back memories for many. My personal memories include a time when I stayed over a weekend with them and later when they invited my sister and a couple friends who were travelling with us, into their home. Such warm, welcoming hosts.
Also, it is only recently that we were made aware of the death of Trudy Kelly, spouse of Michael Kelly of Chicago. Michael is a former Council member. Long-term members of the Clan, Michael and Trudy attended Gatherings faithfully for many years. Michael attended with his son, Michael, just last year, but unfortunately, Trudy was unable to attend at that time, due to health considerations. We will miss her smiling face and warm welcome for all.
Our hearts go out to both families.
[From Judy Kelly Fausch, Newsletter Editor: I extend my sincerest apologies to Gerry Hegarty, Administrator for this website and to all who follow news of our Clan on this website. I’m sitting here “with egg on my face” realizing that I neglected to send this newsletter, No. 76 from Summer 2020, to Gerry for inclusion on the website at the appropriate time. If I don’t send it, Gerry can’t publish it here. Hopefully, in the future, you will be able to see ALL of the newsletters in a timely manner. If you don’t, feel free to ask about it.]
[Editor’s Note: We apologise for any difficulties some of you had in paying fees, due to the changeover and updating email address, especially for PayPal clients. Hopefully, all of these issues have now been corrected. If anyone still has problems, please do let us know.]
Members – Thank you to all who have paid their membership fees.
Contact us with comments, questions, information to share.
Contact Us
The death has occurred of Michael Kelly

Michael Kelly, “Aisling”, Tyrone, Kilcolgan, Co. Galway
Michael Kelly, “Aisling”, Tyrone, Kilcolgan, Co. Galway, 25/5/2020. After a brave battle fought with dignity surrounded by his loving family. He will be greatly missed by his loving wife Bernie, children Siobhán, Michéal, Diarmuid, Padraig and Orla, daughters-in-law Mary, Theresa and Denise, sons-in-law Sean and Gerry, grandchildren Sinéad, Michael, Colin, Linda, Aoife, Megan, Hugh, Eoin, Liam, Seán, Emer, Ciara, Beth and Paul. Brother Paddy, sisters Bridie, Kathleen and Margaret and all the extended family.
In accordance with the current Government and HSE guidelines, a private funeral will take place for Michael, for immediate family members only. Anyone who wishes to do so are invited to leave a message of condolence in the section (condolences) below.
House private.
Date Published: Tuesday 26th May 2020
Date of Death: Monday 25th May 2020
Below is a tribute written for Michael Kelly by Joe A Kelly, founding member and current Council member of the Kelly Clan.
Michael Kelly was one of the Founder Members of our Clan and we were blessed with the benefit of Michael’s continuous work in his role as Honorary Treasurer and Council Member, right up to the time of his sad illness. He was ably assisted by his wife Bernie, who also generously gave her valuable time in the role of our Honorary Clan Secretary.
Michael’s efficient stewardship of the finances of the Clan was greatly appreciated and his legacy in that role is evident in the healthy Bank balance in our Accounts. He always ensured that he had sight of all details before sanctioning any expenditure!
Michael’s quiet and modest personality will always be remembered by his welcoming smile at our Gatherings.
For many years Michael worked tirelessly for the Clan even though he also had his own business to run. Michael was very much a family man, as seen by the fact that some of his children were involved in the family business with him.
One of my fondest memories of Michael was the occasion when we held a very happy Clan Meeting over a weekend at Broomhill, Northampton. Bernie and Michael had brought us a beautiful Chrystal table Lamp and shade all the way over from Shannon to Heathrow on their laps, during the flight, in case it got broken if stashed in the hold!
At the culmination of the meeting, everyone said their farewells and were waiting to leave for the airport but one member of the party took longer than scheduled to get ready. The minibus set off at high speed and high speed was the order of the day where possible, all the way to Luton Airport. Low and behold, the minibus arrived at the Airport just in time to see the Ryanair Plane taking off for Shannon. Ryanair was very helpful and told the party that they would fit them onto another plane. They also gave them the use of a telephone to make any telephone calls they needed to make. One member of the group was heard to say that it was almost worth missing the plane for all the free telephone calls they were getting!!! Eventually, everyone got home safely.
Another example of Michael’s and Bernie’s generous hospitality was in the year they welcomed our granddaughter into their home to learn about their Oyster Farm. Hattie was at the time studying for her degree in Marine Biology at Liverpool University. She had a wonderful time and still speaks about her lovely time in Co. Galway.
Michael will always be remembered for his loyalty, kindness, solidarity, reliability, honesty and most generous nature. He will be a very sad loss to his family, the Clan and to all who knew him.
The Clan will always be indebted to Michael for his wonderful warm friendship, hard work and integrity for all of those years.
Ar dheis De go raibh a h’anam. May his soul be at God’s right hand

Broomhill House, Northampton, Hotel run by Joe and Sue Kelly. Picture was taken several years ago when the Kelly Clan Council was invited to spend some time, and have their Council meeting.
Back: Joe’s brother Tom Kelly (RIP,) Tom’s daughter Clare, Dr. Joe Kelly (RIP,) Mary Kelly (Timmy’s wife), Angela, (Dr Joe’s wife), Sue (Joe’s wife), Timmy Kelly, Stan and Brenda Kelly, and Bernie Kelly.
Front: Sean O’Ceallaigh, Gearóid Ó Ceallaigh, Joe Kelly and Michael Kelly (RIP.)
Comments from Aidan Kelly on Michael’s death:
He was much a gentleman and seemed to have lived an exemplary life, work, family and community. A real light and I was very glad to make his acquaintance.
Almost one year exact after Dr Joe (1938-2019 28 May 2019). May they both rest in peace. They were of the same Ui-Maine Kelly family, in yDNA terms the BY3441, the West Galway branch of the Ui-Maine Kelly.
The following pictures were submitted by Aidan Kelly.

(The title speaks for itself! “A bunch of blurry Kellys” All with Ui-Maine ties):
Dr. Des Kelly, Dr. Joe Kelly (RIP,) Count Bob O’Kelly, Joe A Kelly, Gerry Kelley (FL, USA,) Aidan Kelly, Michael Kelly.

Trudy Short Kelly 1935 – 2019
Trudy Short Kelly,
Age 84, passed away peacefully at home surrounded by family on October 3, 2019. She was born in St Paul, MN on January 16, 1935 to the late Katherine Hynes Short and James Short, and was predeceased by her sister, Barbara Vaughn. She was a full-time resident of Chicago’s north side for 82 years in addition to being a dual citizen of Ireland and part time resident of Westport, Co. Mayo. Trudy is survived by her husband, Michael Kelly, her five children: Colleen (Mike) Frasure, Michael Jr. (Stephanie), Patrick, Brian (Else) and Kevin (Cathy), and six grandchildren: Connor and Payton Hoag, Conor and John Michael Kelly, Griffin and Sienna Kelly.
She attended the Academy of The Sacred Heart ’52 and Barat College ’56 and was active in many local organizations including the Sauganash Garden Club (President 1983), Regina Dominica High School (President 1976- 78), Loyola Academy Mother’s Club (Board Member), and House of Good Shepherd (Auxiliary Board). Trudy was one of the founding members of the Queen of All Saints Home School Association as well as The Sounds newspaper in 1977, a northside Chicago publication.
Her talent for gardening was shown in the beauty of her garden in Chicago as well as in Westport.
Visitation will be held on Friday, October 11, from 3 to 8 pm at Smith- Corcoran Funeral home, 6150 N. Cicero Ave. Chicago. On Saturday, October 12 at 10:30 am friends and family are welcome to attend a funeral Mass for a celebration of her life at Old St. Patrick’s Church, 700 W. Adams St. Chicago. Parking, no charge, is available at the 625 W. Adams St. building, enter off Desplaines – use St. Patrick’s dispenser.
Interment will be private. Donations in lieu of flowers to: Sacred Heart Schools, 6250 N. Sheridan Rd. Chicago, IL 60660 or to: Harmony, Hope & Healing, 703 W. Monroe St. Chicago, IL 60661. For funeral information 773-736-3833 or visit Trudy’s memorial at www.smithcorcoran.com
[Editor’s Note: Found this list titled LAWS OF GENEALOGY, which is often too true, while rummaging through some old papers. My wish is that you never experience any of these situations while conducting family history searches!]
The document containing evidence of the missing link in your research invariably will be lost due to fire, flood or war.
The keeper of the vital records you need will just have been insulted by another genealogist. Your great, great grandfather’s obituary states that he died, leaving no issue of record.
The town clerk you wrote to in desperation, and finally convinced to give you the information you need, can’t write legibly, and doesn’t have a copying machine.
The will you need is in the safe on board the “Titanic.”
The spelling of your European ancestor’s name bears no relationship to its current spelling or pronunciation.
That ancient photograph of your relatives, one of whom is your progenitor, carries the names of the other three.
Copies of old newspapers have holes which occur only on last names.
No one in your family tree ever did anything noteworthy, always rented property, was never sued, and was never named in wills.
You learned that Great Aunt Matilda’s executor just sold her life’s collection of family genealogical materials to a flea market dealer “somewhere in New York City.”
Yours is the Only last name not found among the 3 billion in the world-famous Mormon Archives in Salt Lake City.
Ink fades and paper deteriorates at a rate inversely proportional to the value of the data recorded.
The 37-volume-sixteen-thousand page history of your county of origin isn’t indexed. The critical link in your family tree is named “Smith.”
If anyone is having difficulty logging onto the site or accessing/using the forum, please e-mail Gerry Hegarty at admin@kellyclans.ie
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For PayPal, go to the registration page, www.kellyclans.ie and JOIN US.
Contact Tina O’Kelly, tinaokelly68@gmail.com, for direct deposit or with questions
to pay with a cheque, in the currency of your country, to:
Tina O’Kelly, 1 Cois na Feadan, Caragh Road, Naas, Kildare, IR
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Individuals have privacy rights in relation to the processing of their personal data.
This is a European Union-wide framework which changes the rules on data protection. It provides for a more uniform interpretation and application of data protection standards across the EU.
The Data Protection Act 2018, which was signed into law on 24 May 2018, changes the previous data protection framework, established under the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003. Its provisions include:
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